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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pretty new to this blogging thing...

So I am pretty new to the whole blogging idea.  Well, writing them, that is.  I have been reading and getting amazing ideas from other teachers for many years from their blogs.  I also did a blog when I was pregnant with my son a couple of years ago.  The other day I just realized that maybe it was time for me to combine two of my loves...teaching and writing.  I couldn't think of a better way than with this blog.  Bear with me while I get familiarized with all the technology. 

 I hope that you decide to follow my blog and go with me on a journey into some uncharted territory in the new school year.  No, I am not a new teacher.  I have been teaching 5th grade for the past eight years, but...we are going to be getting a new reading series this year AND we are working on incorporating more of the Common Core into both Reading and Math.  Yikes!  Something tells me this is going to be a learning curve.  I am starting to feel like a rookie just thinking about it! 

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